Sunday, November 4, 2007

Fun at the Farm

We had the chance to go to a local dairy farm in October. Before our trip, we learned about the different kinds of cows we would be seeing, and how the cows are cared for, fed, and milked. Carrie came to our class to show us a Power Point presentation about the farm, and also to answer our questions ahead of time. We were very excited on Farm Day!

Here we are on the bus before we left - it was hard to sit still!

Are we there yet??

First, we went to the huge barn and listened to Josh as he told us all about the cows.

Then, we got to feed the cows.

There were lots of Holstiens

This one was really hungry! We had to wear plastic boots on our feet so our shoes didn't get all yucky. The bus driver was really happy about that!

Next, Mark showed us the milking machines in the parlor.

We even got to put put our thumbs in the machine. It felt really funny!

Carrie showed us the new-born calves in the nursery. We got to pet them and let them suck on our fingers. That felt funny, too!

We even got to pet the kittens! We had a really great trip!

Coming up next - Halloween pictures!

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