Winter is here, and the snow has finally arrived! What a job, getting 23 little 1st graders ready for outside play (and you think you have a mess in your entry-way??). Please be sure kids are prepared every day with warm jackets, snowpants, boots, hats, and mittens. They will be playing outside every day unless it's below zero, and it's cold and wet out there without the proper clothes!
What a lot of "stuff."
All bundled up with a warm hat, and a big smile, too!
Snowpants are required for sliding on the hill.
They also keep the legs warm and dry!
Lots of snowpants are really similar, so it helps to label all outerwear to avoid mix-ups. One little boy has a piece of red yarn tied to the buckle on his strap, and when I found them lying on the floor, he knew immediately that they were his. Great idea, Mom!
Practice zipping, too, since I only have two hands!
Winter is fun, but it's also a lot of work!
Wow!! In Minnesota you are tough!! We stay inside when it gets below 20 degrees in Davenport, IA! Gotta love getting 1st graders ready for the "great outdoors!"