Friday, January 4, 2008

Art Class

One of our special classes each week is Art. We go to the Art room for a 50 minute period and work on lots of neat projects, using a variety of materials. This week, we started a new project that involved drawing a picture using pencil, and then tracing over it with a sharpie marker. Next, we taped the picture up to the window and transferred the image to special paper for painting. Next week, we will paint our pictures. Watch for next week's post to see the final projects!

This is fun!

Mrs. S. gives us directions, and also suggestions as to how to make our pictures better.
We could use magazines for ideas for animals and outdoor scenes.

It takes a lot of concentration!

We sometimes share ideas.

Sometimes we need an eraser, too.
This underwater scene should look really neat when it's painted.

We add lots of details to our pictures.

Good think the pencil is nice and sharp!

Almost ready for the marker.

The newspaper protects the table from marker soaking through the paper.

It's fun to use markers.

All done with the drawing and tracing steps.

Now to the window for the transfer step.

The light makes the marker show up really well!

We're all looking forward to next Friday when we can paint our pictures!

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