Friday, May 23, 2008

Play Practice for "The Little Red Hen"

We've been really busy this week practicing for our upcoming class play, "The Little Red Hen." For now, we've been working on memorizing the lines and songs, using the props, and trying to remember whose turn it is to talk. Next week, we'll get to practice in the Commons area with more props, actions, and scenery. We all have parts, either as part of the Barnyard Chorus or as one of the characters, so we have to pay attention and talk really loudly! Here we're practicing introducing the characters. Everyone looks pretty serious...

We are the Cows...

We are the Sheep...

We are the Pigs...

We are the Rabbits...

We are the Duck, the Cat, the Dog, and the Little Red Hen...

We will be presenting the play on Tuesday, June 3rd, at 2:00 in the Library Commons area. Snacks will be served in the classroom immediately following. Please plan to attend!

Reminder, kids and parents: We're still working on Reading, Math, Spelling, SNAP, etc. - please don't quit practicing skills at home!! And remember to read LOTS all summer!

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