Saturday, June 7, 2008

First Grade Friends

Well, the school year is over, and summer vacation has begun. The kids were all excited for the last day of school, but I think most left on Thursday with mixed emotions. One student said, "I wish I didn't get such good grades so I could be in first grade again next year."
They have all worked hard and made amazing progress! Watching and helping kids learn to read is so rewarding, and it's what makes first grade the best grade to teach. Parents, please continue the process at home this summer - your kids have all the skills they need to be fluent readers, and now they just need lots of practice. I have probably told them at least 100 times: "The more you read, the better you read!" So.... read, read, read!
Preview of The Class of 2019:

Braden, Jeremy, Trentin, and Isaac

Luke, Heather, and Nathan

Olivia, Lacey, and Riley

Ben, Dylan, Jordan, and Logan

Brooke, Jenna, and Catie

Riley, Noah, and Cole

Will, Molly, and Dillon

Have a great summer, everyone, and be sure to stop and visit me next fall!

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