Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bugs, Bugs, Bugs!

It's that time of year again when the bugs are coming inside to warm up, at least they are at my house! Fortunately, the only bugs at school are of the paper variety, except for a stray box elder bug here and there. Our Language Arts story this week was a make believe story called "A Surprise for Zig Bug." The bugs in this story live in a hut, and they can swim, talk, play tug of war, and drink lemonade. We read about real bugs, too, and then we made our own. Don't they look great decorating the wall by the Bug Center?

At the Center, we can learn more facts about bugs by reading books, using a flip book, doing a puzzle, and making bug rubbings.

We learned that bugs have 6 legs.

They also have 3 body parts: a head, thorax, and abdomen.

Some bugs have wings, and some don't.

Most bugs also have antennae.

Bugs have spots, stripes, and crazy colors.

Some bugs also have feeding tubes.

Some bugs even have stingers!

We worked so hard!

Looks good, but it needs a few more legs!

This bug has big wings!

We also learned that some bugs feel with their antennae and hear with their legs.

Almost done.
Our bugs were fun to make!

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