Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Gruffalo

Excitement was in the air as the kids came in on Thursday morning, and it wasn't for Halloween! We were all set to go on our first field trip to see "The Gruffalo" at the Sheldon Theater in Red Wing! We loaded the buses and headed out by 8:45 for a 9:30 show.

"Are we there yet?"

"When are we going to be there?"

"How much farther?"

"How many more minutes?"

Finally, we made it and found our seats in the theater. We read the book "The Gruffalo" several times during the week, and we were so anxious to see how the actors would tell the story. What would the mouse look like? How would they show a snake? What would the Gruffalo look like? We knew lots of details, but now we had to wait again to see the real thing. Here's what we learned ahead of time about the Gruffalo:

He has tusks, terrible claws, terrible jaws, and terrible teeth!

He has purple prickles on his back.

He has a poisonous green wart on the side of his nose.

He has turned-out toes.

He has orange eyes.

He is big and hairy, but he is not scary!
Unfortunately, I could not take pictures during the play, so I can't show you what the Gruffalo really looked like - just use your imagination! The play was fantastic, and it was so much fun to see how the actors portrayed the characters in the book. When we got back to school, we talked about the play and drew pictures of the characters. Ask your child abour his/her favorite.
Thanks to Grant's mom for coming along and keeping track of kids at the end of the line!
When can we go again?

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