Friday, November 7, 2008

First Snow!

It snowed last night! The kids all came in very excited this morning, and most of them thought there would still be snow at playtime. We took a tally of their predictions, and the totals were 17 for snow, and 3 for no snow. The 3 were right. It was all gone by 11:00. However, more will be coming soon. Please be sure children are dressed for outdoor play, as they will be going outside every day (unless the temperature/wind chill is below 0). Children will need hats, warm jackets, mittens/gloves, snow pants, and boots.
Get ready!!
It's been an extremely busy week, and no time to take any pictures (that doesn't mean we haven't done anything)! Please look for your child's report card today, and also read the letter attached to the Peek at the Week about our upcoming Diorama Day!
Have a great weekend!

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