Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Phy. Ed. Fitness Tuesday

Fitness Friday is always the kid's favorite day in Phy. Ed., but due to the crazy schedule we had last week because of snow and cold, we had Fitness Tuesday instead. Now that doesn't have quite the same ring to it, but the kids still had a great time! A variety of centers are set up all over the gym, and the kids rotate through the various activities. Everyone participates, and they get lots of exercise!

The climbing wall is a challenge.
Hang on!

Tri-pod Hockey is a new activity this year.

Stretch for that ball!

Here it comes!

Block the hole!

Got it!

Scooters are lots of fun, too.

Hang on, and watch out for that shoe lace!

This is fun!

Don't run over any fingers or toes.

Another challenge is the ball scoop.

Catching the ball is a real trick.

I think he might do it!

The hipppity hops get everyone jumping.

Jump higher!

The steppers get our heart rates going.

I tried this a few times, too, and I think I could use one at home.

Another center is bowling. It's hard to set up all these pins.

An automatic pin setter would sure be nice.

While all this is going on, Miss Bremer is checking kids on physical fitness skills.
How far can you jump?

Some of the other activities are rope climbing, running, and volley-ball. The gym is a very busy place every Friday, and the kids love it!

We are very ready for drinks when class is over!

We usually work up a pretty good sweat during the 25 minute period.

We learn lots about sharing during Phy. Ed., and we take turns for drinks, too!

Our Phy. Ed. staff does a great job of teaching the kids life-long physical activity skills, and encouraging them to keep active!

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