Wednesday, April 22, 2009

First Grade Concert

The big day of our concert finally arrived! We have been practicing for weeks, and we were all so excited to perform for our friends and families!
We met ahead of time in Mrs. Ebeling's room. It was hard to wait quietly until everyone arrived.
We each got a red, white, or blue necklace to wear to go along with this year's "Celebrate America" theme. Finally, it was time to line up and walk back-stage to the risers.

It's almost time to start, and we're ready!

Some of us had flags to hold and wave during the songs.

We wore cowboy hats and bandanas, too.

It was hard to wait while Mr. Koven was talking.

Is it time yet??

Finally, the curtain opened! Don't our t-shirts look great?

OK, here we go...

Abby, Kaitlin, Grant, and Madison had to introduce one of the songs.

Elizabeth and Sam were speakers, too.

Whew! It's all over! We waved and bowed at the very end when the audience clapped for us. The whole show was very fun, and we did an awesome job! Our teachers were sooooo proud of us!
If you would like to purchase a DVD of the whole concert, you can order one for $7.00. Get your orders in as soon as possible. Forms were available at the concert, or contact me at school and I will send you one.
Thanks for coming to the show!

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