Friday, September 11, 2009

First Day of School, 2009

The big day finally arrived, and it started out sunny and nice! Construction work will be continuing for several weeks, but most of the major projects are completed. Our room looks great, and it's so nice to have new carpeting and paint!
The first week was a bit rough with the bus schedules, but things seemed to be going more smoothly by Fridayafternoon. Please remind your children about getting on the correct bus. We have been going over all the bus numbers each day, but several children have still ended up on the wrong bus - it's a long ride to the bus garage to be picked up by parents! Hopefully, things will go better for the rest of the year!
These pictures were taken right before morning playtime on the first day of school. What a good-looking bunch of kids!

Parents - It was good meeting most of you at Open House on Wednesday. If you were unable to make it, please stop in anytime and introduce yourself. I will be looking for volunteers throughout the year, particularly during the mornings, so if you have some open time in your schedule and would like to make a difference in your child's education, let me know! Kids love to have their parents help! Also, thanks for sending all the school supplies, and if you have not yet completed the registration paper work, please return it as soon as possible. Thanks!
Check back soon for pictures of first-week activities.

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