Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Learning to Read!

Learning to read is a first grader's main job, and we spend a lot of time each day in the process. Our morning Language Arts block is spent in whole group activities such as singing songs, listening to stories, practicing phonics, and learning comprehension stategies. Then we break into small groups. During group time, the children meet with me for small group instruction where we practice new vocabulary, review high-frequency words, play games, and read stories. There is also an independent seat work time, and an activity centers time. If you walked into the classroom between 8:30 and 11:00, you would be amazed at how independent and focused the children are on their "jobs." They have already made so much progress!

The children can play games, color, and read books at our activity centers.

We are working on our first theme, "All Together Now," in our anthologies.

This week, we have been practicing decoding words with the short a sound as we read a story called "A Day at School."
It's fun to read independently!

Our classroom para, Mrs. Robinson, is available during work time to help and answer questions.

We use our finger to point at words as we read.

During work time, we work independently in our Practice Books and also do various reading, writing, and drawing projects.

We can also do free choice reading and writing when we finish our assigned tasks.

Children have a Center Buddy for the week as they rotate through five different centers, one per day, while other children are working with me or doing their assignment for the day. Every center has a choice of activities, and reading books pertaining to the center is always a choice. The manipulatives center is always a favorite.

Puzzles are fun to put together, too!

The book corner is a great place to relax and just read!
It's so much fun to learn to read!

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