Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fire Safety

The second week in October is Fire Prevention Week, and for as long as I can remember, the Cannon Falls firefighters have been coming to school to teach our students about fire safety. On Wednesday, we had a lyceum in the gym, and then the kids went outside to see the firetrucks.

The firefighters shared information with us about kitchen safety, home hazards, and what to do if clothing catches on fire .

Then, we headed outside where they showed us the fire trucks and equipment.

The kids were great listeners!

There was a lot to see and hear!

The kids got to ask questions, too.

Firefighter Jeff (a former student of mine) showed us the fire rescue truck.

We also saw the "jaws of life." The fire rescue truck is very important in medical emergencies as well as fires!

We got to see the ambulance, too.

We are so fortunate to have brave firefighters in our community to help protect us and teach us how to be safe. Thanks to all the volunteers!

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