Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gingerbread Houses

On Friday, December 18th, our class made gingerbread houses! The excitement had been building for several weeks as we collected ice cream buckets, frosting, and supplies for decorating. Finally, the big day arrived, everything was ready, and it was time to begin! Each child had to invite one guest as a helper. We had moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, and siblings join us as we created our houses.
We started the event by singing a few songs to entertain our guests.

"We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!"

We got our instructions on the Smartboard by looking at pictures from last year's blog post showing the whole process. We got lots of good ideas!
Finally we could start!

The first step was to frost a foil-covered lid as a base for the house.

Fingers made good knives!

Then, we frosted an empty milk carton for the house.

Then, we stuck graham crackers to the cartons.

Frosting made great glue,

and it tasted good, too!

Then, the decorating began! We took turns going to the supply table to choose what we wanted to use to decorate the house.
This house was "pink-a-liscious!"
We even had a few pre-schoolers as helpers.

Fortunately, we had lots of napkins for sticky fingers.

The kids were very creative with all the gum drops, M&Ms, licorice, cereal, teddy grams, pretzels, etc.

Frosted ice cream cones made great snow-covered trees.

Candy canes turned into back-yard sleds.
Andes mints made perfect doors.

The frosting was finger-licking good!

This house turned into a log cabin, complete with a wood pile.
Here are some more of the finished products.

Looks good!

It was hard to resist a little munching!

Grandpas were really good helpers!

Colored sugar, sprinkles, and coconut added extra color and texture.

Hopefully, all of the houses made it home in one piece.

Thanks, parents, for all of your help with this project!
Happy Holidays, and remember to read lots during vacation!

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