Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Trip to the Sheldon

We are so lucky to have the Sheldon Theater in Red Wing so close by! Every year, our first graders get to go a live theater production especially geared for children, and this year was no exception.
Excitement was in the air as the kids came in on the big day. We were all set to go on our field trip to see "Seusical, the Musical." We loaded the buses and headed out by 9:15 for a 10:00 show.

"Are we there, yet?"

We had read lots of Dr. Seuss stories during the week, so we were well-prepared to see some of his crazy characters come to life on the stage.

It was hard to wait for showtime!

We even learned to sing one of the songs from the play in Music class.

We'll be performing it at our concert on April 20th!

Unfortunately, I couldn't take any pictures during the performance.

The show was GREAT and the kids were very well-behaved. With Red Wing being so close, we were back to school in time for lunch. What a fun way to spend a morning!
Thanks, too, to Mrs. Reardon for coming along to help keep track of the end of the line!

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