Sunday, October 10, 2010

The second week in October is Fire Prevention Week, and for as long as I can remember, the Cannon Falls firefighters have been coming to school to teach our students about fire safety. On Thursday, we had a lyceum in the gym, and then the kids went outside to see the firetrucks.

The fire fighters came dressed in their gear.

Students from the HS put on a skit about a family that was learning about fire safety. They discussed safety rules like having a family meeting place, calling 911, crawling low under smoke, feeling for a hot door, checking smoke detectors, etc. They did a great job!

After the skit, Mrs. Giese introduced the firefighters.
Then, we went outside.
The kids were great listeners!

Firefighter Kevin showed us the pumper truck.

Morgan knows Firefighter Kevin really well - he's her grandpa!

The kids got to go inside the ambulance.

Firefighter Ron showed us some of the equipment in the fire rescue truck.

Some of the kids had questions, too.

We are so fortunate to have brave firefighters in our community to help protect us and teach us how to be safe. Thanks to all the volunteers!

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