Friday, February 18, 2011

100th Day of School

We celebrated the 100th day of school last Friday! Each day since September, we have counted the days by adding a stick to a ones box. When we got to 10, we made a bundle and added it to a tens box. Finally, we got to make a big bundle of ten tens and we put it in a hundreds box! We read stories about ways to make 100, counted our collections of 100 by making 10 groups of 10, practiced counting by twos, fives, and tens, and made a book and a headband.

The kids brought in collections of 100 objects from home, and then practiced counting by tens as they made ten groups of ten.
We discovered that 100 is a really big number!

Eli brought 100 action figures. He needed a bigger tens mat!

The chocolate chips were tempting.

We also found out that we can read a lot of words. We printed words on 100 hearts, and then grouped them into 10 rows of 10. It took me awhile to get all 100 taped up in the hall.

Here we all are in our headbands.

So what does 100 look like? A LOT!!

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