Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Random January Pictures

Wow, where did January go? We were very busy all month, but somehow I didn't take many pictures, and I also didn't do a very good job at updating the blog! This takes a lot of time, and with late starts, early dismissals, report cards, miniature golf, a trip to Florida, etc. etc., the month just whizzed right by without any extra time for blogging!
Below are some random pictures of some of the kids just being kids.

Reading books in the Book Corner.

Putting together a map of the USA.

Taking an AR test.

Putting together a puzzle at the Winter Center.

Assembling 3-D shapes at the Manipulative Center.

Getting started with a 100's board.

The tiles only fit in one spot - great practice for counting to 100.

We did it!
More posts coming soon!

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