Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rock Star Day

Our theme for this year's "I Love to Read" activities in February was READING ROCKS. As a culminating activity, Friday was Rock Star Day. In Music class, all of the kids practiced the Black Eyed Peas song, "Gotta Keep Reading," and we had a mass performance of the song at a lyceum, lead by the teachers on stage. The teachers had to practice, too!

Here we are early Friday morning at a last-minute rehearsal before the big show. We had some help from a few teacher's kids.

Miss Vagts and Miss Winchell knew all the words and actions!

Miss Giese was really rockin'!

The teachers were pretty stylin' too!

Thanks to Mrs. Zillgitt for conducting the rehearsals!

Before the teacher's performance, we had a guest "rock star," Will Hale.

He sang lots of really good songs!

The guitarist.

The kids did lots of clapping and singing, too.

It was really fun!

Erin and Kendall got to go up on stage!

Everyone on stage played a guitar.

Lauren joined the group, too, along with lots of other kids.
They really jammed to "Rock, Paper, Scissors."
Check out Will Hale's web-site for more information about his music, and also check him out on YouTube!
To download an exclusive collection of songs for kids by Will Hale, go to www.willhale.com/refresh
After his performace, the teacher's took to the stage and performed with the students. It was a great show!
Gotta Keep Readin'!!

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