Sunday, April 17, 2011

Concert Rehearsals

The big night will be here soon! The 1st and 2nd grade concert, "Cock-a-doodle Doo, Barnyard Hullabaloo," is Tuesday night, and the kids have been practicing very hard for weeks, learning songs, practicing dances, playing instruments, and making headbands. Last week, we had an all-1st grade rehearsal in Mrs. Zillgitt's room on Thursday, and then a 1st and 2nd grade rehearsal at the High School on Friday. We'll practice one more time on Tuesday, and then...SHOWTIME!!

We all lined up on the risers in Mrs. Z's room.

We had to wear our headbands, too. The boys are roosters and the girls are chicks. The speakers practiced speaking into a fake microphone. We'll have a real one at the HS!
We have to speak slowly,

and clearly!

Some of the boys are "lonesome cowboys."


Here we are on the HS risers. It was fun!

Please plan to come to the performance on Tuesday, April 19th, at 7:00 pm. The kids need to meet in the HS cafeteria at 6:45. Hope to see you all there!

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