Saturday, October 1, 2011

Homecoming 2011

First graders don't really "get" Homecoming, but they sure understand Spirit Day, Pepfests, wearing school colors, and "Go Bombers"!

Here's the whole class, all decked out in their Bomber colors.

The first thing we did on Friday was make "Go Bombers" signs for the morning Pepfest. It was especially fun since the kids got to use their markers to decorate the signs. They did a great job coloring the letters using patterns, and then adding details (we TRY to make everything at least somewhat educational)!

After finishing our signs, we did a little Reading work, and was time for the PEPFEST!!

As we walked to the Gym, the football players made an arch for the kids to walk through.

The HS kids were also ready with "high fives" for the little ones.

The Pep Band was playing as we entered the Gym. It was LOUD!

First, the Cheerleaders lead us in some cheers, and we sang our school song.


We got to meet the captains of all of the fall sports, and also the 2011 Homecoming royalty.
Several of the court were former students of mine. Maybe some of this year's class will be the 2022 Homecoming king or queen. Who knows???

Jadan predicted the score of the football game: 29-1.

Hmmm, is that possible? :-)

Homecoming was so much fun!

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