Wednesday, October 19, 2011

We are so lucky to have the Sheldon Theater in Red Wing so close by! Every year, our first graders get to go to a live theater production especially geared for children, and this year was no exception. Excitement was in the air as the kids came in on the big day. We were all set to go on our field trip to see "SkippyJonJones." We loaded the buses and headed out by 9:15 for a 10:00 show.

Excited smiles!

Are we there yet?

Thanks to Tammy, who came along as a chaperone.

When we finally got seated, we had about 10 minutes to wait until showtime. We were in the balcony this year, so we could see eveything really well.

The Sheldon is a very old theater, and it has lots of interesting nooks and crannies. This painting is right above the stage.

We had read several SkippyJonJones book in the classroom before the play, so the kids were well prepared for what was to come.

It was hard to wait!

Unfortunately, I couldn't take any pictures during the performance, but it was very well done, and it kept the children's attention throughout. With Red Wing so close, we were able to be back at school in time for lunch. What a GREAT way to spend a morning!.

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