Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's Snowing! It's Snowing!

The big day of our concert finally arrived on Tuesday, December 6th! The kids have been practicing for weeks, and they were very excited to get to perform their songs for an audience. We walked to the high school in the morning for one last rehearsal on the stage in the auditorium. The rest of the day went by pretty slowly, but at last, it was 6:45.

Cannon wore the perfect sweater for the theme of our concert!

We're sooooo ready!

All dressed up!

Looking good, Nathan!

Hair curled, too!

So cute!

Is it 7:00 yet?

Time to line up...

Finally, on stage!

Let's sing!

Beth, William, and Tatum in line to speak.

They did a great job!

Our class is playing the orff instruments.

Yeah! We did it!

Our last song was so much fun!

What a great show!

Thanks, parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents, EVERYONE, for coming to our performance!

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