Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Could it really be January? The temperature in Cannon Falls hit a record-breaking 53 degrees today, and the kids had a great time playing outside at recess. They even went outside again later in the afternoon for Phy.Ed. I think that's a record, too! Since I had recess duty, I couldn't resist snapping a few pics to record this beautiful day!
Last year at this time, the equipment was buried in about 3 feet of snow, and the kids were bundled up in multiple layers of warm clothing.
Today, they were climbing on the bars,
playing football on the bare hillside,

hanging out with friends,
and digging in the sand!
The ground isn't even frozen!
When it was time to line up at the end of recess, I decided the kids should do a ...
Maybe it will work - the prediction is for about 1"of the fluffy white stuff for tomorrow. We have a LONG ways to go, though, to catch up to last year!
Please continue to send warm clothes, snow pants, and boots. You just never know what will happen with this crazy weather in Minnesota!

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