When it was announced that our class won a Pizza Party for having the best attendance at the recent PTO sponsored miniature golf event, I thought it might be a good idea to give the kids the chance to earn a Pajama Day at the same time. They worked really hard this week earning points for good behavior during Reading and Math, and they did it! What better day to wear jammies, hang out with stuffed animals, read some good books, and eat pizza than the day before Spring Break?

First graders LOVE Pajama Day!

Don't they look cute in their cozy pajamas and robes?

Slippers were popular, too!
They all look pretty calm, but I can guarantee that no one fell asleep during the day!
After our usual opening activities, the kids got to choose books and find a comfortable spot in the room to read.

I thought I'd give them about 10 minutes, but they did such a good job that they were still reading 20 minutes later!

They didn't even pay any attention to me snapping pictures.

Beth decided to have story time with her buddy.

The kids did have some work to do on Friday, too, and their stuffed animals were great helpers!
Such concentration on our weekly Daily Language Practice paper!
Please note: these pictures were not posed! They really were working hard!

Oops, remember upper case letters at the beginning!

And check for punctuation marks!
Is everything spelled correctly?

Good job, everyone!
Pajama Day was a great success! I wonder what the next Reward Day will be??
I can't believe I forgot to get a few pictures of our Pizza Party! The cooks delivered the pizza to our room, and they also brought milk and cookies. We had started a Reading Rainbow about the rain forest during milk break in the morning, and when the kids asked if we could finish it up during lunch, how could I say no? It was the quietest lunch of the year! Thanks to the PTO for a great lunch!
Enjoy Spring Break! I know I will - what a busy week!
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