Sunday, May 13, 2012

Book Buddies

Our first graders are so fortunate to have some very dedicated adults who come to school every Thursday morning as Book Buddies.  This group of 10-12 volunteers spends 20 minutes reading with each of our four classes.  They listen to the kids read in small groups of 2-3, and also share good books with them.  Many of the volunteers are from the Shepherd's Center, and some are parents or grandparents of our students.  This year, the Book Buddies wanted to give all of the kids books at the end of the year, so Rod Johnson, administrator at the Shepherd's Center, was able to get enough books for everyone through a Timberwolves book sharing project.  
 He brought the books to school last week.
 The kids listened very carefully as he explained the program,
 and then they lined up to receive their books!
 The kids were so excited!
They kept the books in their desks for the day, and read whenever they had some extra time.
Thank you, Book Buddies, for reading with our students!
I have had many volunteers comment on the amazing progress of our first graders.  Our Book Buddies have truly enjoyed providing extra practice for your children and helping them learn to read!

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