Tuesday, May 29, 2012

PTO Fun Day!

Our fantastic PTO organized and ran a Fun Day for our students today!  With the help of the Phy. Ed. Dept. for ideas and equipment, they planned class activities and group events that kept the first graders active for an hour and a half!  The morning started out sunny and clear, but ended up cloudy and windy.  However, that didn't stop the kids from having a great time!  
 The first event was a hula hoop game.  The kids had to get the hula hoop all the way around the circle without dropping hands.
 Some of the contortions were quite interesting!

 The next event was an obstacle course.
 Every student got to run it one time, and there was a LOT of cheering from the onlookers!

 The third activity was a sack relay race.

 Next, they ran a  sponge race.  The kids had to fill up a sponge with water from a full bucket, run to an empty bucket and squeeze it out, then run back and hand off the sponge to the next runner. 
 When time was up, the amount of water transferred from the full bucket to the empty bucket was measured and a winner was announced.

 The next activity was a new one to me - Germ Attack.  I didn't quite get the rules of this one, but the kids all seemed to know what to do.  It looked like mass chaos to me!  :-)
 Finally, we ended up with tug-of-war.
Yeah!   Our class won round one,
 and then had to pull against the other round one winner.
 Yeah!  We won that round, too!
 The morning ended with popsicles.
I would have preferred some hot chocolate, but the kids didn't seem to notice that it was a bit chilly.  Some of the parents were even wrapped in blankets!
Thanks, kids, for being good listeners and good sports even when we didn't always win the events, and thanks, PTO, for planning such a fun activity for our kids.  You are AWESOME!

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