Friday, December 14, 2007

Fitness Friday

By Friday afternoon, the kids are really ready to burn off some energy and have some fun with all of the fitness activities set up in the gym by the Phy. Ed Department. They rotate through many different stations, so everyone can work up a sweat.
Volleyball: My camera wasn't fast enough to get the ball before it went flying!

There it is! Hit it back!!

Bowling: These big pins just don't want to stay up!

Catch: It's way harder than it looks to catch that little ball. At least it won't get lost!

Jump rope: It's hard to see with the hair flying!

Trampoline: How high can she go?

Crab walk and gymnastics: This is really good exercise!

Climbing wall: Hang on tight!

Oooops! Sometimes we need an ice pack.

We ALWAYS need a drink when it's all over.

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate the blog to see what the kids are up to because when I ask they always say nothing :-)
