Friday, December 21, 2007

Happy Holidays!

The last day of school before vacation is always a very busy one! We all dressed in our favorite red and green clothes, and we even got to wear Santa hats, reindeer antlers, and bells.
We started off the day by listening to the high school choir as they caroled in the commons area outside our classroom. They sounded really good!
We got to sing along on "Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer" and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."

Then, our 4th grade buddies came to play a math game with us.

It was fun to practice the addition strategies we have been learning.

We brought the game home so we can play it with our families during vacation!

After playing the game, we shared stories with our buddies.

The lunchroom was full of red and green!

What a good lunch! We even had Christmas cookies!

Thanks to everyone who contributed this week to the food drive. We took a walk through the office to see the huge pile of food. Our class didn't win the prize for bringing in the most food, but we sure helped.

Have a GREAT vacation, and come back to school in January all ready to begin a new year of fun activities in First Grade!

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