Monday, November 21, 2011

October Students of the Month

Congratulations to Nathan, Rachael, and Jonathan for being selected as our October Students of the Month!

Mrs. Fick came in last week to present the awards. Keep up the good work, kids!

Where has November gone? I'm afraid I haven't been taking many pictures lately, and as a result, I also haven't done any blog updates. However, that doesn't mean we haven't been working hard. We've been very busy focusing on learning to read, and the kids are making amazing progress! We've only been in school about 50 days, and wow - the change in these kids since the first few days of school is unbelieveable!

Please mark your calendars for several important upcoming events:

Tuesday, Dec. 6th, 7:00 p.m. - First Grade Concert at the HS Auditorium
Friday, Dec. 16th, 8:30 a.m. - Gingerbread House project (all supplies are due by Dec. 9th) - each child needs one adult helper

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