Friday, December 2, 2011

How Many Days Until Christmas????

Have you heard your first grader ask this question?? Just tell him/her to check out the Christmas Chain!

Of course, we have to turn every project into a learning experience, so the kids had to count out 12 red strips, 12 green strips, and 1 yellow strip. Since we've been working on doubles, we practiced the fact 12+12=24, and then we added one more to get 25 (we did this on Dec. 1st).Then, the chain had to be put together using the red/green/red/green pattern.

The chains got pretty long!

Sometimes, the glue didn't stick very well, so patience was an important word to remember!

Hmmmm, 22 links on your chain? How many more do you need to add?

Lots of Math going on with a simple chain project!

The trees were hung on the wire until it was time to take them home. Hopefully, they made it in one piece and one link is being removed every day!

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